
Final Fantasy IV is a Japanese RPG that was developed by Square and published by Square. The video game was released on July 19, 1991, due to Square wanting to make the western release more family friendly religious references and references to death were removed and violence was toned down. The PlayStation release had some less censorship even though it was just a direct port of the SNES game.


North American Censorship

  • The scene that shows Rosa getting rescued from being executed by a Giant’s scythe was modified for the International release. In the International version the scythe was changed to a giant metal ball.
  • The word “Holy” was changed to “White”
  • The Tower of Prayers was modified for the western release. In the western version it is called the Tower of Wishes.
  • References to violence and death were toned down.
  • The scene that shows a girl dancing in the pubs was modified for the western release. In the uncensored version it shows her dancing and then removing her red dress to reveal a bikini underneath and then shows her putting her dress back on. In the International version it only shows her dancing. (This scene is uncensored in the PlayStation release. But once again censored when the GBA and PSP versions came out.)

Where to find it uncensored

The Japanese version is completely uncensored, the PlayStation had less censorship and the PSP had even less censorship.
